Brasiliana - Brazil Research Seminar
We are excited to announce the UNT Brasiliana Seminar, the first academic seminar
focused on Brazilian scholarship at UNT! The seminar will include a symposium with Dr. João Vargas, Professor at the Departments of Anthropology and Black Study
at University of California Riverside (UC Riverside), and panels across different
areas of the Humanities.

Program: April 1st, 2025
Time (CT)
9:30 - 11 am
Symposium with Dr. João Vargas (UC Riverside)*
Discussions around Anti-Blackness
*Please read Antiblackness of the Social and the Human before the symposium
Sycamore Hall 119 (Department of Anthropology)
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Roundtable: Working in Brazil and Latin America
Mediation: Dr. Karine Narahara
Panelists: Dr. Aecio Borba, Ms. Pietro Pizzatto, Ms. Natalia Heringer , Ms. Maíra
T. Ribeiro
Wooten Hall 316
12:15 - 1h15 pm
1:15 - 2:45 pm
Session 1: Queer and Gender Topics
Mediation: Manuela Azevedo (BRASA)
Panelists: Ms. Elisangela Brito, Ms. Natalia Heringer, Ms. Pietro Pizzatto
Sycamore Hall 119 (Department of Anthropology)
2:45 - 4:15 pm
Session 2: Brazilian Religions
Mediation: Pietro Pizzatto
Panelists: Bs. Thaíssa Silva, Ms. Victor Bento, Ms. Lucas Cesar Silva, Ms. Letícia
Sycamore Hall 119 (Department of Anthropology)
4:15 - 4:30 pm
4:30 - 6:30 pm
Session 3: Environment and Sustainability
Mediation: Ms. Natalia Heringer
Panelists: Bs. Bruno Vilela, Ms. Maíra Silva, Ms. Maíra T. Ribeiro, Ms. Eduardo Gonçalves,
Ms. Simone Trevisan
Sycamore Hall 119 (Department of Anthropology)
Department of Anthropology
SAMBA (Sociology, Anthropology, Music, Brazilianities, and Arts Research Group)
Brazilian Student Association (BRASA)
Department of Sociology
Latina/o and Mexican American Studies (LMAS)
Division of Music History, Theory & Ethnomusicology – College of Music