I want to declare an ANTH minor, what do I do first?

If you wish to add an anthropology minor to your degree plan, go ahead and email sscluster@unt.edu with your ID# and CLASS academic advisors will be able to facilitate that request.
If you have any questions about the degree requirements for the minor, contact Professor Nelson, the Faculty Advisor for the Department of Anthropology.

Anthropology Minor

Updated for Catalog 2024
The Anthropology Minor requires completion of 18 hours:

    • ANTH 1010 or 2300
    • 6 hours from ANTH 3***/4*** level courses
    • 9 hours from any level of ANTH courses

Medical Anthropology Minor

Program Description

A minor in medical anthropology requires completion of 18 hours (6 must be advanced). This degree plan is in the process of being discontinued. The Medical Anthropology Minor Program at UNT will provide non-Anthropology major students with broad training covering the breadth of the field. The objective of the program is to train future medical anthropologists, physicians, nurses, PA's, and other health professionals to recognize and understand the complex relationships that exist between social, cultural, psychological, biological, economic, and environmental determinants and health, and to analyze and evaluate how contemporary health services are organized and delivered. Students minoring in medical anthropology will be introduced to the literature and methods of medical anthropology, and topics such as the social history of sickness and medicine, medical ethics, complementary and alternative therapies, and the medical humanities.

We anticipate that such a minor will enable students to become competitive, humanistic applicants to programs that continue their graduate education, such as medical school, nursing school, physician assistant programs, occupational therapy, clinical psychology, or graduate programs in anthropology, sociology, international and public health, community development, and more. Within the Medical Anthropology Minor Program, some flexibility is built in to allow students to choose from a diversity of advanced support courses in Sociology, Applied Gerontology, Psychology, Biology, and Philosophy and Religious Studies.

Program Curriculum

Foundation Courses (3 credit hours)
Choose 1 of these courses:

    • ANTH 1010 Introduction to Anthropology
    • ANTH 1100 World Cultures
    • ANTH 2300 Culture and Society

Core Courses (3 credit hours)
Choose 1 of these courses:

Note: ANTH 4200 is generally only offered in Fall semesters and ANTH 4220 is offered every other year in the Spring, typically in even numbered years. Consult with the department of anthropology well ahead of time to ensure that courses are being offered as course scheduling is subject to change

    • ANTH 4200 Health, Healing, and Culture: Medical Anthropology
    • ANTH 4220 Anthropology in Public Health

Advanced Electives (12 credit hours)
The student may choose from 4 of the following courses to fulfill this requirement:


    • ANTH 4210 Culture and Human Sexuality
    • ANTH 4230 Psychological Anthropology

Applied Gerontology

    • AGER 3480 Psychology of Adult Development and Aging
    • AGER 4750 Sexuality and Aging

Behavior Analysis

    • BEHV 3200 Science, Skepticism, and Weird Behavior


    • BIOL 2301 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
    • BIOL 2311 Human Anatomy and Physiology I - Laboratory
    • BIOL 3350 Human Heredity (providing course prerequisites have been met)

Emergency Management and Disaster Science

    • EADP 4010 Public Health and Disasters
    • EADP 4050 Social Vulnerability in Disasters

Kinesiology, Health Promotion, and Recreation

    • HLTH 1100 School and Community Health Problems and Services
    • HLTH 1570 Environmental Health and Safety
    • HLTH 2000 Introduction to Public Health
    • HLTH 2200 Family Life and Human Sexuality
    • HLTH 2400 Introduction to Global Health
    • HLTH 4430 Planning, Administration and Evaluation of Health Programs

Philosophy and Religious Studies

    • PHIL 1400 Ethics and Society


    • PSYC 2580 Health Psychology
    • PSYC 3490 Psychology of Women and Gender
    • PSYC 4020 Psychology of Death and Dying
    • PSYC 4300 Biopsychosocial Challenges Related to Sexually Transmitted Infections 

Public Health

    • PUBH 1010 Introduction to Public Health
    • PUBH 3010 Social Justice and Behavioral Foundations in Public Health
    • PUBH 3020 Community Health Education
    • PUBH 3025 Environmental Health
    • PUBH 3030 Global Public Health
    • PUBH 4015 Ethics in Public Health
    • PUBH 4050 Public Health and Health Policy
    • PUBH 4060 Public Health Management and Leadership


    • SOCI 3110 Sociology of Mental Health, Mental Illness and Mental Health Care
    • SOCI 3120 Sociology of Health and Illness
    • SOCI 4250 Gender and Society
    • SOCI 4550 Sociology of Aging
    • SOCI 4750 World Population Trends and Problems

I want to declare one of the undergraduate academic certificates listed below, what do I do first?

In order to declare a degree plan for an undergraduate academic certificate, go ahead and email sscluster@unt.edu with your ID# and CLASS academic advisors will be able to facilitate that request.
It is also a good idea to schedule an advising appointment with Professor Nelson, the Faculty Advisor for the Department of Anthropology, so that she can help you establish a plan for completion.
Once you have completed 60 credit hours AND all certificate requirements, then submit a certificate application through your my.unt.edu portal in order for that certificate to be conferred and mailed out to you. You can earn and receive your certificate prior to graduating from UNT.

Certificate in Applied Anthropology

You can receive a certificate in applied anthropology. The certificate requires a total of 12 hours.

Required courses, 6 hours.

    • ANTH 2300 - Culture and Society
    • ANTH 4000 - Applied Anthropology

Plus 6 hours of electives chosen from the following courses.

    • ANTH 4060 - Community Engagement through Action Research
    • ANTH 4110 - Design Anthropology
    • ANTH 4200 - Health, Healing and Culture: Medical Anthropology
    • ANTH 4220 - Anthropology in Public Health
    • ANTH 4230 - Psychological Anthropology
    • ANTH 4400 - Environmental Anthropology
    • ANTH 4601 - Anthropology of Education
    • ANTH 4720 - Human Rights Anthropology
    • ANTH 4920 - Internship in Anthropology


Certificate in Social Justice Studies

The social justice studies certificate in anthropology teaches students to examine how inequitable power relations influence and shape various aspects of human life in the United States and around the globe, and to think critically about power dynamics in their own lives. The selected courses will highlight the social construction of categories such as gender, race, class, sexuality, ability, immigration status and more, and will consider how those categories intersect to differently position people in relation to systems of power and each other. Courses for this certificate will provide students with relevant skills including oral and written communication, critical thinking, teamwork, multicultural and diversity competencies, and conflict management. These abilities will prepare students to become engaged community members, locally and globally. Further, it will provide students with the knowledge and experience to approach careers in a variety of public, private and community-based domains. One course must come from anthropology and one course from outside anthropology. Students must take a combined total of 15 credit hours from lists A and B whereas:

  • at least 6 credit hours must come from list A
  • at least 9 credit hours must be from ANTH courses
  • 3 credit hours must be from a non-ANTH course

List A

    • ANTH 4550 - Race, Ethnicity and Identity
    • ANTH 4730 Feminist Anthropology

    • ANTH 4760 - Inequality, Social Justice and the City

List B

    • ANTH 3130 - African-American Anthropology
    • ANTH 3140 - Latinos in the U.S.
    • ANTH 3700 - Peoples and Cultures of South Asia
    • ANTH 4060 - Community Engagement through Action Research
    • ANTH 4130 - Anthropology of Non-Governmental Organizations
    • ANTH 4210 - Culture and Human Sexuality
    • ANTH 4310 - Citizenship, Borders and Belonging in the United States
    • ANTH 4400 - Environmental Anthropology
    • ANTH 4720 - Human Rights Anthropology
    • CJUS 3500 - Inequality, Crime, and Justice
    • CJUS 3600 - Criminology
    • CJUS 4250 - Law and Social Problems
    • COMM 3260 - Storytelling, Narrative and Everyday Life
    • COMM 4140 - Gender and Communication
    • COMM 4240 - Rhetoric and Popular Culture
    • COMM 4540 - Communication Theories of Sexuality
    • COMM 4640 - Latin@ Rhetorics
    • ECON 3150 - Economics of Discrimination
    • ENGL 4220 - Contemporary North American Indigenous Literature
    • ENGL 4245 - Postcolonial Literature and Theory
    • ENGL 4250 - Latinx Literature
    • ENGL 4255 - Mexican American Non-Fiction and Criticism
    • ENGL 4260 - African American Literature
    • ENGL 4270 - Modern Jewish Literature
    • ENGL 4670 - Gender and Sexuality in Literature
    • GEOG 4245 - Geography of International Development
    • GEOG 4420 - Capitalism, Nature and Climate Change
    • HIST 3060 - History of Sexualities in U.S.
    • HIST 4174 - Revolutions in Twentieth-Century Latin America
    • HIST 4248 - Palestinian History
    • HIST 4320 - Anti-Semitism in Europe, French Revolution to Present
    • HIST 4391 - War Crimes, Genocide, and Justice
    • HIST 4455 - History of Black Women in America
    • HIST 4890 - Civil Rights and Black Power Movements in the U.S.
    • PHIL 3120 - Social and Political Philosophy
    • PHIL 3130 - Philosophy of Race and Racism
    • PHIL 3475 - Philosophy of Climate Change
    • PHIL 4150 - Feminism
    • PHIL 4740 - Environmental Justice
    • PSCI 3101 - Latino Politics
    • PSCI 3103 - U.S. Immigration Politics
    • PSCI 3104 - Race and Ethnic Politics
    • PSCI 3105 - Political Economy of Race, Gender and Immigration
    • PSCI 3106 - African-American Politics
    • PSCI 3120 - Women and Politics
    • PSCI 3140 - LGBT Politics
    • PSCI 4210 - Constitutional Law: Rights and Liberties
    • PSCI 4520 - International Human Rights
    • PSCI 4823 - International Criminal Tribunals and War Crimes
    • SOCI 3330 - Social Inequality and Stratification
    • SOCI 4240 - Sociology of Sexuality
    • SOCI 4250 - Gender and Society
    • SOCI 4540 - Race and Ethnic Minorities
    • SOCI 4580 - Immigration and Race in Contemporary U.S.
    • WGST 3100 - LGBTQ Studies
    • WGST 3500 - Feminist Foundations
    • WGST 4100 - Feminist and Womanist Theories


Certificate in Urban Studies

You can receive a certificate in urban studies. The certificate requires a total of 12 hours. The Department of Anthropology in conjunction with the Department of Geography and the Environment is offering a 12 credit academic certificate in urban studies. This certificate is a collaborative effort, providing undergraduates a multi-disciplinary approach to the issues, histories and scholarship surrounding urban life. In applied social sciences, cities provide both the context and content of much of our work, pedagogy and problem-solving. Course electives in the certificate will allow students to customize their preparation for graduate studies and careers that span multiple fields of practice.  

Required courses, 6 hours.

    • ANTH 4765 Urban Beings
    • GEOG 4210 Urban Geography

Plus 6 hours of electives chosen from the following courses.

    • ANTH 4760 Inequality, Social Justice, and the City
    • GEOG 3010 Economic Geography
    • GEOG 3100 United States and Canada: Economies, Cities, and Sustainability
    • GEOG 4170 Field Methods and Mapping
    • PADM 3210 Population Demographics and Urban Planning
    • PADM 4250 Community Development and Collaborative Planning
    • PSCI 3010 American State and Local Government
    • PSCI 4020 Urban Politics
    • SOCI 3300 Urban Sociology
    • SOCI 3800 Sociology of Work
    • SOCI 4350 Community Organization

Certificate in Social Science and Popular Culture

This certificate bridges various disciplines within the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences as it lays claim to the unique perspectives that the social sciences and humanities can offer for understanding the underlying meanings and processes embedded within pop-culture spheres. Ranging from video games, fantasy and fiction realms, sport, and mass media, this certificate equips students with the skills to understand how societies reflect and affect change in ways that, although often disregarded as “popular”, are in fact increasingly relevant and valuable for a multi-layered understanding of knowledge production. Through an interdisciplinary approach, students will gain the skills to understand the multifaceted processes of social knowledge production and be able to translate that thinking in ways that transcend academic boundaries. 

15 Total Hours 

  • 9 hours must be advanced 
  • no more than 6 hours from one department 
  • ANTH 1150 - World Cultures Through Film 
  • ANTH 2400 - AnthroPop: Symbolic Anthropology and the Artistry of Popular Culture
  • ANTH 4701.051 - In Our Own Voices: Art & Anthropology of Indigenous Films
World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures 
  • WLLC 3100 - Arab Cultures in Film and Music 
  • WLLC 3310 - The Best of French Pop Culture 
  • WLLC 3320 - Pop Culture and Everyday Life in the Francophone World 
  • WLLC 3410 - German Popular Culture 
  • WLLC 3600 - Japanese Popular Culture 
Communication Studies 
  • COMM 4120 - Communication and Sport 
  • COMM 4240 - Rhetoric and Pop Culture 
  • HIST 3010 - U.S. History Through Video Games
  • HIST 3400 - History of American Country Music
  • HIST 3900 - American Horror History
Media Arts 
  • SOCI 1520 - Contemporary Social Problems 
  • SOCI 4620 - Sociology of Culture: What is culture? 
International Studies