Core Courses

  • ANTH 5000 Seminar in Sociocultural Anthropology
    (only required for students with fewer than 12 hrs of ANTH)
  • ANTH 5010 Anthropological Thought & Praxis I
  • ANTH 5021 Anthropological Thought & Praxis II
  • ANTH 5031 Ethnographic and Qualitative Methods
  • ANTH 5041 Quantitative Methods in Anthropology
  • ANTH 5050 Preparation for Capstone and Career


The applied capstone is a project for a client. It allows students to integrate what they have learned and helps position them for their career. Capstone course selection depends on whether students pursue the Practicum or Thesis track:


    Students must register for 3 hours each of ANTH 5920 Non-Thesis I and ANTH 5930 Non-Thesis II after the core courses.


    Students must register for 6 hours of ANTH 5950 Applied Thesis after the core courses.

Anthropology Electives

You will take 5 elective courses in the master's program. A minimum of 2 electives (6 hours) must be from outside anthropology. A minimum of 2 electives (6 hours) must be from inside anthropology. If pursuing an MS degree, the skills class requirement counts as one of your electives. Students may arrange independent study courses with their adviser. *All electives must be approved by your program advisor.

On-Campus (on-campus students can take any online elective listed below)
ANTH 5060 Advanced Community Engagement through Action Research
ANTH 5110 Design Anthropology
ANTH 5130 Advanced Anthropology of Non-Governmental Organizations
ANTH 5210 Anthropology in Public Health
ANTH 5400 Environmental Anthropology
ANTH 5620 Anthropology of Education
ANTH 5700 Special Topics
ANTH 5710 Symbolic/Cognitive Anthropology
ANTH 5730 Advanced Feminist Anthropology
ANTH 5740 Advanced Anthropological Perspectives on Tourism
ANTH 5755 Advanced Anthropology of Stuff and Things
ANTH 5765 Advanced Studies in Urban Anthropology
ANTH 5900 Special Problems
ANTH 5910 Special Problems

ANTH 5070 Evaluation in Anthropological Practice
ANTH 5100 Organizational Anthropology
ANTH 5110 Design Anthropology
ANTH 5201 Medical Anthropology
ANTH 5300 Migrants and Refugees
ANTH 5400 Environmental Anthropology
ANTH 5620 Anthropology of Education
ANTH 5700 Special Topics
ANTH 5900 Special Problems
ANTH 5910 Special Problems

Elective Courses Outside Anthropology

Below is a list of suggested elective courses offered by other departments at UNT. You can check for online courses on the UNT e-Campus website for further ideas. In addition, we accept electives from other universities.

Medical Anthropology
AGER 5250 Topics in Gerontology
AGER 5560 Seminar on Minority Aging
AGER 5700 Social Gerontology
AGER 5730 Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Disability
AGER 5780 Federal, State and Local Programs in Aging
COUN 5540 Women's Emotional Health
GEOG 5140 Medical Geography
HLSV 5300 Information Systems for Healthcare Management (online)
HLSV 5400 Health Delivery Systems (online)
HLSV 5450 Health Services Adminisration (online)
RHAB 5715 Disability Issues in Human Development
RHAB 5730 Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Disability
SOCI 5400 Health Delivery Systems
SOCI 5410 Medical Sociology

Anthropology of Education
EDER 5050 Educational Research and Evaluation
EDER 6020 Research Methods in Education
EDHE 6520 Students in Higher Education
EDHE 6640 The Adult Learner and Adult Learning
EDHE 6700 Role of Higher Education in a Democracy
EDSE 5002 Everyone Can Learn: Applying theory to teaching practice
EDSE 5005 Developing a Multicultural Curriculum
EDSE 5130 Philosophy and Principles of Multicultural Curriculum
EDUC 6050 Culture, Identity and Education
LING 5320 Studies in Applied Linguistics

Business Anthropology
ADES 5410 Foundations and Frameworks of Interaction Design
ADES 5420 Human-Centered Interaction Design
ADES 5450 Data Visualization and Information Design
INFO 5200 Information Organization
INFO 5440 Storytelling for Information Professionals
INFO 5735 Usability and UX Assessment
MGMT 5070 Management Issues
MGMT 5140 Organizational Behavior and Analysis
MGMT 5280 Analysis and Design of Operations Systems
MGMT 5660 International Management
MGMT 5760 Strategic Management
MKTG 5150 Marketing Management
MKTG 5200 Consumer Behavior
SLIS 5200 Introduction to Information Organization
SLIS 5440 Storytelling for Information Professionals

Urban Anthropology
ECON 5750 Urban Economics
GEOG 5170 Mapping and Field Methods
GEOG 5210 Seminar in Urban Geography
SOCI 5350 Seminar on Urbanization

Environmental Anthropology
BIOL 6400 Ecological Risk Assessment
ECON 5400 Economics of Natural Resources & Environment
GEOG 5150 Water Resources Seminar
GEOG 5600 Environmental Law/Policy
PHIL 5410 Seminar in Ethical Theory
PHIL 5451 Environmental Ethics
PHIL 5710 Ecofeminism
PHIL 5750 Environmental Ethics and Public Policy

Crossing Borders
COMM 5545 Race and Public Culture
ENGL 5650 US Ethnic Literature and Culture
ENGL 5680 Studies in Global Literature and Culture
GEOG 5300 Globalization, Conflict, and Resistance
PSCI 5820 Research Seminar on International Human Rights
PSYC 6560 Psychology of Race in the US
SOCI 5330 Seminar on Race and Ethnicity
WGST 5400 Human Trafficking and Gender
WGST 5800 Globalization and Gender

Any Area
ADTA 5120 Introduction to Data Analytics (online)
ADTA 5130 Data Analytics (online)
ADTA 5250 Large Data Visualization (online)
COMM 5840 Social Movements
EPSY 5250 Grant Proposal Writing Techniques
GEOG 5500 Introduction to GIS
GEOG 5510 GIS for Applied Research
GEOG 5590 Advanced GIS Programming
JOUR 5210 Race, Gender, and Media
MUET 5020 Anthropology of Sound
PADM 5040 Nonprofit Management
PADM 5100 Local Government Management
PADM 5540 Public Decision Making Techniques
PADM 5550 Seminar in Program Evaluation
PADM 5560 Performance Measurement in Public and Nonprofit Sectors
PADM 6025 Institutional Context of Public Administration
PADM 6520 Seminar in Public Policy Implementation
TECM 5170 Grants and Proposals
TECM 5185 Principles of Technical Communication
TECM 5190 Style and Technical Writing
TECM 5200 Digital Content Strategies for Communication Professionals
WGST 5100 Feminist and Womanist Theories
WGST 5800 Feminist Methods
WGST 5800 Sustainable Development and Gender
WGST 5900 Queer Theories