Give to the Department of Anthropology!

Your gift counts! Every gift made to the Department of Anthropology helps the department advance toward a higher level of teaching and research. Whether you give annually, establish an endowment, give to an existing scholarship, or make a one time donation to the department, there is a giving opportunity and method to match every interest at every level. Help the department grow and cultivate the best and brightest students!

The scholarships available to donate are listed below with a brief explanation. If you would like to donate to the various activities the department holds throughout the semester, you can also give to our unrestricted gift account.

To access the online giving page, please click on the scholarship you would like to donate to below:

    1. The Re Calderon Scholarship
      The Re Calderón Scholarship was established in memory of Salustia Arteaga and goes to an anthropology graduate student interested in social justice issues.
    2. Larry Lee Naylor Memorial Scholarship
      The Larry Lee Naylor Memorial Scholarship for an outstanding undergraduate student honors Dr. Naylor's legacy as the founding chairman of the Anthropology Department at the University of North Texas.
    3. Applied Anthropology Scholarship
      This scholarship supports graduate students in the Applied Anthropology Master's Program.
    4. Anthropology General Support Fund
      This fund supports the various activities the department holds throughout the semester.
    5. AnthroPioneer Student Supply Fund
      The AnthroPioneer Student Supply Fund is designed to assist undergraduate students in acquiring essential academic supplies and materials needed to succeed in their college courses. This Student Supply Fund provides financial support for purchasing textbooks, school supplies, conference fees, and research expenses.

If you are interested in creating your own endowed scholarship, please contact our Department Chair.

We are proud of our accomplishments and constantly strive to improve our standing in the College, the University, and the larger Anthropology discipline. We aim to build on this momentum and cement our position as an outstanding undergraduate program in Cultural Anthropology and as one of the premier terminal master's programs in the nation in Applied Cultural Anthropology.

Donors play a key role in these efforts and can participate through a variety of giving opportunities. You can make an important difference in the life of the department by supporting scholarships for undergraduates and/or funding of department initiatives.

Thank you for your donations!