Larry Naylor was an applied anthropologist who specialized in sociocultural and applied
anthropology. His work included cultural change, modernization, impact development,
as well as the study of the American culture. He provided Pipeline Impact studies
as Professor of Anthropology at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, then started
and grew the Department of Anthropology at the University of North Texas, Denton from
1978 until he retired in May of 2004. He served as chair of the Department of Anthropology
for 14 years. Larry has published six books and a study guide and developed many online
courses over his career.
His regional areas of interest included Oceania, circumpolar regions, American Southwest,
Latin America, and contemporary North America.
1974 Ph.D. Anthropology Southern Illinois University, Carbondale,
Dissertation: Culture Change and Development in Balim
Valley, Iran, Jaya, Indonesia (1973)
1968 M.S. Education (History) State University of New York, Geneseo,
New York
1962 B.S. Education State University of New York,
Geneseo, New York
Selected Publications
Larry L. Naylor. (1999) Issues and Problems of Culture Diversity in the United States.
(Edited) Westport: Bergin & Garvey.
Larry L. Naylor. (1998) American Culture: Myth and Reality of a Culture of Diversity.
Westport: Bergin & Garvey.
Larry L. Naylor. (1996) Anthropology. In the Yearbook of Science and the Future (1997),
Encyclopedia Brittanica, Inc., Pages 266-269.
Larry L. Naylor. (1994) Anthropology. In the Yearbook of Science and the Future (1995),
Encyclopedia Brittanica, Inc., Pages 310-312
Larry L. Naylor. (2003) Seminar in Sociocultural Anthropology, WebCT Distance Learning
Course, University of North Texas.
Larry L. Naylor. (1988) "Culture Change in the Context of World History." Presented
at American Historical Association and University of North Texas Conference on the
Teaching of History. (Invited)