*The undergraduate course numbers will change beginning fall 2010. Below you will find the new course number/old course number.

ANTH 1010 General Anthropology

ANTH 1100/2150 World Cultures

ANTH 1150/2100 World Cultures Through Film

ANTH 2070 Introduction to Race and Ethnic Studies

ANTH 2200/2045 Gender In Cross-Cultural Perspective

ANTH 2300/2250 Culture and Society

ANTH 2500 Introduction to Archaeology

ANTH 2700 Introduction to Physical Anthropology

ANTH 3000-3999 Area Studies

ANTH 4000/4020 Applied Anthropology

ANTH 4011/4800 Field Methods

ANTH 4021/4250 Development of Anthropological Thought

ANTH 4200/4610 Health, Healing, and Culture: Introduction to Medical Anthropology

ANTH 4210/4610 Culture and Human Sexuality

ANTH 4220/4610 Anthropology in Public Health (ANTH 5210.001)

ANTH 4300/4610 Migrants and Refugees

ANTH 4400/4610 Environmental Anthropology (ANTH 5700.020)

ANTH 4500/4010 Language and Culture

ANTH 4550/4610 Race, Ethnicity, and Identity

ANTH 4601/4610 Anthropology of Education (ANTH 5620)

ANTH 4701/4610 Topics in Sociocultural Anthropology

ANTH 4751/4700 Supernatural: Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion

ANTH 4770 Ethnographic Field School

    • 001 Mexico
    • 002 Saudi Arabia
    • 003 Ghana
    • 004 Egypt

ANTH 4801/4600 Topics in Physical Anthropology

ANTH 4810 Archaeological Field School (ARCH 4810)

ANTH 4850 Topics in Archaeology (ARCH 4620)

ANTH 4900 Special Problems

ANTH 4910 Special Problems

ANTH 4920 Cooperative Education in Anthropology

ANTH 5000 Seminar in Sociocultural Anthropology

ANTH 5010 Anthropological Thought and Praxis I

ANTH 5021 Anthropological Thought and Praxis II

ANTH 5031 Ethnographic and Qualitative Methods
ANTH 5032 Ethnographic and Qualitative Methods for Non-Majors

ANTH 5041 Quantitative Methods in Anthropology (SOCI 5200)

ANTH 5050 Preparation for Practice and the Applied Thesis

ANTH 5100 Organizational Anthropology

ANTH 5110 Design Anthropology (ANTH 4610.016)

ANTH 5201 Medical Anthropology

ANTH 5210 Anthropology in Public Health (ANTH 4610.030)

ANTH 5300 Migrants and Refugees (ANTH 4610.003)

ANTH 5400 Environmental Anthropology (ANTH 4610.020)

ANTH 5620 Anthropology of Education (ANTH 4610.019)

ANTH 5700 Topics in Applied Anthropology

ANTH 5800 Applying Anthropology: Practicum I

ANTH 5810 Applying Anthropology: Practicum II

ANTH 5900 Special Problems

ANTH 5910 Special Problems

ANTH 5950 Applied Thesis